Saturday, May 28, 2011

the house that built me.

A couple of weeks ago, I drove past the house I grew up in that my parents moved out of coming up on a year ago. And, for the first time since moving out, I saw another family living there. One with young kids that had sidewalk chalked a huge "Welcome!" on the driveway. As sad as I was to see someone new living in the house my father built, I simultaneously felt a pang of hope...hope that the children that live there now will have a similar upbringing that I did, in the same home. I hope that their parents love them, encourage them, and tell them they have the world at their feet--like mine did.

I hope their parents teach them that, no matter what, love wins. Love for each other. Love for others. Love for the Father. I hope that they learn what it is to be loved and to love in return.

I hope that their Dad teaches them what it is to be competitive, but a good sport all the same. I hope he instills in them a sense of adventure and a love for travel. I hope he teaches them that hard work pays off, but work isn't life. And, that integrity is more important than a paycheck. I hope they inherit his love for others and the joy that reaching out to those less fortunate brings him. If these kids are lucky enough to have a father like mine, I hope they know how fortunate they are and that they never take a moment with him for granted.

I hope their Mom loves them more than words can say, that she tells them they are "her heart." I hope she is their biggest fan. I hope she gives them "surcies" just because and that she teaches them how to cook. I hope that her wisdom is passed down to them. I hope they hear how beautiful they are from her and know that there's nothing they can do or say to make her love go away. If their Mom is anything like mine, I hope they know she'd give them the world if she could.

But most of all, I hope the parents of these children teach them that there is no love like the Father's and that He is truly all they need. I hope they know that while they may not have everything they want, between those four walls, they have everything they need, and that's more than enough.

If these kids are blessed enough to have parents like mine, they are blessed enough.

With Mothers' Day just passing and Fathers' Day approaching, I found this a timely inspiration. I can't begin to express the gratitude I feel for my parents and the lessons and values they have instilled in me. I truly could not have asked for better.

Mom and Dad, I love you more than words can say.

"But the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13b

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